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Mixing Racing Fuel and Mountain Dew

Would you mix racing fuel and Mountain Dew? Two teens from Tennessee died after drinking a combination of racing fuel and Mountain Dew.

Logan Stephenson and J.D. Bryam were at a party and thought they were mixing methanol instead of ethanol. A doctor interviewed by CNN said "This was an unfortunate accident”. It was very unfortunate because these two boys thought what they were doing wasn't going to affect them at all. When you're at a party, make smart choices and don't mix things together if you're not sure what they are.

Junior Megan Riley feels that “These two kids should've read the labels of what they were mixing with the mountain dew”.

More harshly, senior Colt Caughenbaugh says simply, “IDIOTS!”

Sophomore Ashton McArtor says, “Who the heck thinks it would be okay to mix racing fuel with anything and drink it?”

Two other kids have confessed that they have drank a similar drink, but received a completely different treatment. Why did two of them pass away but two of them lived if they were all mixing soda with different fuels?

This is what not to do at parties. Be safe at parties and don't let people get you to do things you shouldn't do. If you are at a party and you ever see anyone really sick or not looking good, call this number: 1-800-222-1222.


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