Sociology of Angel
In 1999, a TV show, Angel,first aired. It was based off the original T.V show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” In this show, the main...
Why aren't cheerleaders eligible for the LCL scholar award?
On Monday, November 22nd, there was an assembly at Licking Valley High School in which the LCL scholar athletes were awarded for their...
Do athletes make better students?
It doesn't matter if you’re an athlete or not, you can still be a good student at school. If you work hard, you will get good grades...
Equine therapy
The ancient greeks in 600 AD were the first to use horses as therapy for people with different diseases. Equine therapy is a type of...
People tend to overuse the term “OCD” also known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. OCD is a mental illness in which people have recurring...
Grammatical tips
Grammar. Most cringe at the thought of it. Whether we choose to admit it or not, grammar is one of the most crucial aspects to success in...
The decline of marriage results
Marriage rates in the United States have noticeably decreased in recent years. Only almost half of Americans are in wedlock. For...
Clinton conspiracies
Since her time as first lady, the public eye has been watching every move of Hillary Clinton. Along with this constant watching, has come...
Music in the 60s
Everyone knows that rock used to be way different and for the most part, in a good way. You just don’t get the same feeling listening to...
Caveat: This comic does not have a rating, but it does have mature language and violence. Ask your parents before you read it. Homestuck...