Do athletes make better students?
It doesn't matter if you’re an athlete or not, you can still be a good student at school. If you work hard, you will get good grades whether you play a sport or not.
Athletes have betters grades because they have to have a good GPA to play in a sport, if not they can't play so it's motivation to get good grade so eligible to play.
A school-wide survey about school and sports revealed that 71.4% LV students that sports don’t distract students while and 28.6% said they do.
The other question asked was whether students you think athletes participate better in school. 63.3% answered yes, and 22.4% responded no.
In a survey, an anonymous student said, “Because to stay in that sport they have to have a good GPA so if they don't then they will get removed from the team [sic].”
It makes them get more involved in their school work because they will get to play. It also can be the opposite because they could get to focused on their sport and not care about their grades. It really all depends on the individual students.
Athletes make better students because they're focused on what they need to do, and it makes them better at working with other students because they are all ways with their team or other teams.
An anonymous student said, “I think this happens because they become susceptible to participating as a team, which improves group work ethic, as well as having to work hard and push themselves, which helps with all school work. I would also like to point out that even though I agree that sports do not distract students, sometimes, or a lot of the time, sports prevent students from having time to do their homework [sic].”
I think beginning an athlete you have goals to win and get better.And being a student you haves goals to succeed and get good grades. So when you combine the two together you unstopable to succeed.