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Schools Have It All Wrong

We were always told that math is important for our everyday life, but is it?

Math, Science, History, and English are all required in this institution called school, but what is their true worth?

In Math, we learn how to graph points on a coordinate plane, but we aren't taught how to do taxes.

In Science, we learn how to dissect a frog, but we aren't taught how to recognize the most deadly mental disorders or diseases with preventable causes.

We are wasting our time getting taught stuff that we may never use again when we could be using that time to be learning something useful.

As Boyinaband says in his song “Don't Stay in School,”

"I was never taught how to vote

They devoted that time to defining isotopes

I wasn't taught how to look after my health

But mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light

But I was never taught my human rights

Apparently there's 30, do you know them? I don't

Why the hell can't we both recite them by rote?!

I know igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks

Yet I don't know squat about trading stocks

Or how money works at all - where does it come from

How does the thing that motivates the world function?

Not taught how to budget and disburse my earnings

I was too busy there rehearsing cursive.

We weren't taught things that are important such as how to vote, look after our health, our human rights, trading stocks, how money works, etc.."

Learning about the Science would be useful if you want to be a biologist or science teacher and learning about Math would be useful if you wanted to be a math teacher or accountant but you can't be both so why do we have to learn both? The same goes for English and History.

After we reach high school, we should be able to choose our career path and chose the classes we need to take for them. They should introduce the topics in elementary school and middle school, but once we get to high school we should be able to choose if we want to learn more.

As Boyinaband says, “If you can't explain why a subject is applicable to most people's lives, that subject should not be mandatory. Introduce these topics, yes but, we should choose if we want to learn more. Nobody should be forced to learn something that isn't practically useful.”

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