Autism Caused By Vaccines
Autism has been a struggle for many children. But from the rumors that people have created they say that autism is caused by vaccinations.
A lot of people think that autism is caused by the vaccines. But many kids have been diagnosed with autism bef
ore vaccines have been around. So how are the rumors accurate to what has happened in the past?
The myth started when they found a link in the MMR vaccine and autism. That is why the public went on a craze to not vaccinate their children.
I did a survey to the Licking Valley High school students asking them three simple questions.
According to The Autism Science Foundation's autism is a “developmental disability that causes substantial impairments in social interaction and communication and the presence of unusual behaviors and interests.”
If mothers refuse to get their children vaccinated it can cause more problems for everyone around them. This form of medicine is something that has prevented children from getting illnesses and diseases like measles, mumps, chicken pox, sexual transmitted diseases etc.
Said from a mother that wanted to eat organic through her pregnancy, use essential oils instead of medication. She absolutely did not want her child to get any vaccinations
because she “knew” it caused autism. She realized that her daughter was autistic and she was astonished.
According to Dr. Laurence states “Isn’t very smart and is jeopardizing kids’ lives so he can make a profit selling a bad book. I don’t make a profit giving vaccines, but he makes a profit telling you to be scared of them.(Voices for vaccines)”
As of right now, 1 in 40 children have been diagnosed with autism. and only 10% of those children have the MMR vaccine. The right choice is to vaccinate your child to keep them safe.