John Kasich in the Presidential Election
As Governor of Ohio, many of us might be more familiar with John Kasich and the impact he’s had on Ohio’s citizens than others. John R. Kasich is currently a Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election, although he is not doing as well as the other candidates. According to a recent poll in the national Republican primary, Kasich is lagging behind other candidates at 6.8 percent. Kasich was a member of Congress for eighteen years and has been governor of Ohio since 2011. As governor, Kasich’s main goal has been to create more jobs for the citizens of Ohio. Some issues he has spoken of in this year’s debate are education, national security, and creating more jobs and strengthening our economy.
As a nation, the United States is ahead of the rest of the world in several ways. When it comes to education, however, we find ourselves below what some might think. Kasich believes that educational standards should be set according to the input of the local community. He supports Common Core, stating that it’s not run by the federal government. Kasich also wishes to protect the privacy of the students and their educational information. As the Governor of Ohio, Kasich has issued an early warning system in which the risk of students who have potential of dropping out of high school are recognized. He also supports programs that allow students to earn college credit from classes they are taking in high school.
National Security
National security is the concept that a government should protect its state from a national threat through means of a strong military, political, and economic power. Currently, a main focus in the presidential election is ISIS, a terrorist group located in the Middle East. While some believe that ISIS is a force that cannot be beaten with military forces, Kasich believes we should continue fighting the group. In order to do this, Kasich would like to strengthen the U.S. military by means of economic strength and getting weapons and supplies to troops on time and on budget. Kasich also wants to position more military forces in the Western Pacific to protect our allies there who feel threatened by China. Kasich feels another way to defeat ISIS is with new ideas. He supports the strengthening of NATO and rebuilding our relationships with our allies.
Creating Jobs and Strengthening the Economy
Although the unemployment rate is decreasing, currently standing at around 5 percent, the U.S. economy appears to be slowing down. When Kasich first became Governor of Ohio, Ohio’s economy was going through a rough patch. Since then, Kasich has enforced policies that have created more jobs, resulting in Ohio becoming within the top ten states for job creation. Under Kasich, Ohio’s wages are above the national average and its unemployment rate is below. Kasich also executed the largest tax cut of any governor. This, too, helped to create more jobs. In order to protect businesses from the vast number of hardships imposed on them by the government, Kasich created the Common Sense Initiative which has so far reviewed over 5,500 state regulations.
Being the future of America, students need to understand the policies and goals of presidential candidates. Find out for yourself about each candidate’s stance on particular policies and issues. If you wish to discover more about Kasich’s views, visit his website here: