Cruz's Endorsement
As Ohio’s voters head to the polls on March 15th, they must focus on who has the most ability to lead this country. For the Republican candidacy, and the office of President as a whole, there is only one clear choice: Ted Cruz. Senator Cruz has the experience in the trenches of Washington to fight for what this country needs, as well as having the passion and caring to know exactly what that entails. With a strong conservative voting record and high morals, Ted Cruz is right for America.
Senator Ted Cruz should be elected to the office of President because he is the only candidate with the ability to lead America where it needs to go. His flat tax rate will give Americans back more of their own hard earned money which will be used to bolster the economy. His stance on border security will empower the worker by removing thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the job market and keeping wages low. Lastly his Five for Freedom policy would clean up Washington and reduce wasteful government spending and while at the same time getting rid of unhelpful agencies and programs.
The first promise of a Cruz administration is to overhaul the nation’s tax system to institute his Flat Tax Plan. This plan involves a simple 10 percent income tax for all Americans that is easy enough to fill out that it can be done on a simple postcard so the IRS can be discontinued as a whole. In addition to this the first $36,000 earned by a family of four would be considered tax free to help free as much money as possible to stimulate the economy. The expected growth from this plan would create 4.8 million jobs.
Perhaps the greatest act that would be done by Senator Cruz if he is elected is his ambitious Five for Freedom plan to clean up Washington. This plan, believed to eliminate extraneous organizations and reduce some of the mess of organizations slowing down actions in Washington D.C., would cut over 25 bureaus and agencies. Of these the “five” primary targets for examination are the IRS, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The effect this will have on the nation will not just be lowering the national debt by an estimated $500 billion over 10 years but it will also free the American people from the control of unelected department heads controlling their lives.
Opponents of Cruz say that he will never be elected due to the heavy Christian influence in his views. In an article on writers from The Daily Take Team go so far as to state that a Cruz presidency would, “mean the start of a Saudi Arabia-style theocracy right here in the U.S.” This is foolish attempt at ad hominem as several successful presidents, including George Washington and Ronald Reagan, all held dear Christian values themselves without letting it affect their ability to lead as President. To discount a candidate simply for their personal religious views is something the American public cannot afford in this tough election.
As conservatives head to the polls they must also take a closer look at Senator Cruz’s primary opposition. Although he campaigns under the Republican and conservative platform, Donald Trump is not a conservative. In an article by National Review, the two-sidedness of Trump’s campaign is absurdly evident. Calling out President Obama now, when he was first elected Trump was a profound supporter of all the spending that Obama did to hurt the economy and country as a whole. Now that it helps him to oppose Obama, he readily embraces it. It is also funny to see that he mimics the campaign slogan of Ronald Reagan, who advocated for the shrinking of government, when at the beginning of the Obama administration he was a vibrant supporter of its expansion. In contrast, Ted Cruz has a strong background serving as a Senator and fighting with fellow conservatives to preserve and advance the party’s goals.
In the end, the choice is simple for both conservatives and non-conservatives alike. Ted Cruz is the answer to America’s problems. He will create jobs, empower the economy and secure our nation’s borders. All he needs is the nod of the American people to lead us into better days. He cannot do it alone. In order for Cruz to lead America, the people must push him into the lead in the voting. Nothing in this country will change unless the people make the decision to change their vote to Senator Ted Cruz.