Trump Endorsement
Donald Trump, the economic powerhouse and legendary businessman, is the front runner of the Republican party at this moment in time.
Trump brings a very significant media outlook towards the presidential race. Trump's plans bring a very promising outlook if he is elected for a variety of reasons. Some of the topics he has made a point of emphasis have very insightful news that help his campaign.
“Make America Great Again!”
Second Amendment
Trump takes up his first argument by reviewing the issue on the Second Amendment. In a statement, Trump says,“The Second Amendment to our constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. period.” Right out of the gate Trump wants the public to know that he will not give in to the demands of those who wish to change constitutional rights. Trump continues,“It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom.That’s because the right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights.” Who wouldn't want a president who will stand up for your constitutional rights? To make sure that you are able to not only protect yourself but to protect your family. With the amount of gang violence and drug dealers the type of crime that they are being passed off as only getting a slap on the wrist is ridiculous.
Illegal Immigration
Ever since the start of America, immigration is the lone reason we are in existence. America is the melting pot of all kinds of ethnicities and religions. However, being an illegal immigrant has led to many issues with the governmental. For example, the amount of illegal drugs and crime that has found its way into the U.S. side of the American border between U.S and Mexico. Trump has plans to construct a wall to blockade the border. He has developed three core principles for his immigration plan.
A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our constitutional system of government must be enforced.
A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs,wages and security for all Americans.
The production of the wall could fix many issues as listed. As of now, you see many jobs being lost to the illegal immigrants because a steadily decrease in the amount of jobs for Americans. With the amount of people in this country who are not only losing their jobs to robots and advances of technology, the loss of jobs to illegal immigrants who will get jobs on the sole reason that they will work for less money and that even means they get paid under the table, which implies that the employer will not have to include them in any reprimands of them working and in turn they will save money that way.
As of March 3 in the primary election, Mr. Donald Trump is ahead by over 100 delegates.. He leads the Republican candidacy over Senator Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as well as Ben Carson and Ohio Governor John Kasich.
If Trump becomes the Republican candidate it would be very beneficial for not only the party but for the nation as a whole. Although Trump’s views may sound a bit extreme with the reasoning behind his bold statements, it has become clear that Trump is the man who is able to bring the United States back to its total dominance of being a top the Nation poll.
All opponents who are challenging Trump are losing the battle thus far. Senator Cruz and especially Junior Senator Rubio have had their issues by just trying to attack Trump's campaign instead of working towards better improving themselves. Oftentimes throughout the debates it's evident that instead of making their own positions at point they often look to attack Trump and although Mr.Trump does the same he has shown the willfulness to keep pushing through their comments and adversity they have bestowed upon him. Ted Cruz has been the biggest challenger to Trump’s campaign however his “obsession with being a true conservative” may hurt him in the long wrong. An article released from Salon goes into detail, that article can be found in the link below:
March 7th explains in grave detail the faults at hand. Trump useage of the Ad hominem effect to attack the individuals as a person for who they are. This seems bad but looking at the bigger picture Trump’s opponents are resorting to his level which is creating a divide between the party which in return will prove Trump to come out on top.
If you are not a supporter of the Trump campaign as of this point or if you are looking for ways to promote another candidate against him I ask only that you take a look at this and review these select topics of interest in order to make your selection.