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Ben Carson Editorial

I wrote this editorial before Carson dropped out of the Republican Race on March 4th, 2016.

From his humble beginnings in Detroit, to his time at Yale and the School of Medicine at the University of Michigan. Ben Carson has always been a person of character who is dedicated to providing the best for those he is around.

During his career as the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Carson became a household name in the world of medicine. Carson has separated conjoined twins, and have established a protocol to control seizures that most hospitals around the world use, and now, Carson is running to be president.

Ben Carson was the best fit to be the next president. His caring, and helpful attitude accompanied with his views on how to handle the Islamic State, Cyber Security, and Immigration, prove to be a winning formula that the American people need to realize.

Carson was the best representative of the Republican Party for many reasons. His 2013 speech at the National Prayer Breakfast where he challenged President Obama on taxes, Obamacare, and national defense, shows that Carson is willing and has the guts to follow through with plans and is not afraid to get his hands dirty.

It isn't very often the United States witnesses a true rag-to-riches story and a family man run for the highest seat in the country, but that is exactly what the American people have on their hands when they see Ben Carson. He grew up poor and used hardwork and perseverance to gain his riches and his spot in the nation’s elite group. This also means he isn't willing to sell America to large corporations. Carson is an everyday American just like Ronald Reagan posed to be during his campaign, Here is a whole website that explains why Carson would be a great fit for the Oval Office:

People often comment at Carson’s quiet, laidback demeanor, wondering if he is capable of striking fear into other countries. Carson plans to declare war on the Islamic State; this shows that he is able to take control and make definitive decisions.

Do you really want a racist running your country? The president is the face of the country that the rest of the world sees. Do you really want Trump to be the face of our country? He is a joke. Trump’s use of ad hominems has become the only reason why people continue to stay in favor of him. He is a child and is in no way presidential and qualified to run a country as prestigious as the United States.

Carson is clearly the best fit for office. From his everyday-person demeanor, to his intellectual ideals and plans, he is the best fit.

You, the people, need to open your eyes and vote for the best candidate, that is Ben Carson. Make the right decision before another candidate trumps America.

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