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Presidential Campaign

We are currently looking for a new president for our country.

This year we have many different candidates, including: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio. Donald Trump is a millionaire celebrity that runs his own show. Hillary Clinton is a former Secretary of State and the wife of the former president Bill Clinton. Ted Cruz is a senator who is highly against Obama and his decisions. Senator Bernie Sanders’s main issue is income of equality. These few candidates are two from the Republican side and the only two from the Democratic side.

People can register at the bookmobile, public high schools, and in the Newark Public Library. Ohio is one of the most important states for the presidential election because they have a mix of everyone. Like people that believe in the right to bear arms, the stopping of the Isis threats, and especially gun control and gun safety in and out of homes. The mix of races is very large in America, but knowing this makes our country less safe in many ways. Race is still a big issue in America since the sixties and some of the running candidates are limiting immigration throughout America.

Now, what is bad about being younger than eighteen is that you can't vote for anyone one but that's what this article is about. This should help some student get a better understanding on how to vote in America. If you want to get a more deep understanding about voting rights, go search about it on the internet or use the hyperlinks in the article.

Voting is a right that many people take for granted, and many young adults want to have a turn to pick who they want. A lot of teens talk about voting and their opinions in and out of class, but only some teens have a real understanding of how to vote. Votes are very important because they all go to single person in the race.

Our votes count, but our country means even more.. Following our candidates is very important because you have to know what their plans are once they reach presidency. Voters only want to vote for who their family is voting for or what party they are in.

The running candidates are on the top of their game no matter what; but when it comes to super Tuesday the candidates are on their game no matter what. They want the most votes they can get and super tuesday can give it to them.

Super Tuesday is March 15th; this Tuesday is one of the biggest Tuesday in the presidential election. Only because this tuesday is the day that most states hold primary electives. Super Tuesday is only one day of the campaign where several US states hold primary electives.

Voting is all about the next election. If you vote you need to understand what you're voting and who you're voting for. Who you vote for can impact many people in America. Most voters vote for someone they know personally or know from TV or friends. If one person votes for someone they want that's fine because they know the candidate's plan and action. But if someone votes for the same person and they have no clue what or who that's candidates plans are, then that person has no intention of caring who the next president is. Votes are the most important thing in the presidential election.

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