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2016 Election: Perspective From The LVHS Staff

So far, the events regarding the 2016 election have been intriguing, with the joining and dropping out of various candidates, to the wide array of Trump’s controversial statements.

The results of Super Tuesday, or the day in which several states hold their primaries, have shown that Donald Trump leads the Republican party, while former First Lady, Hillary Clinton, leads the Democratic party.

While many Americans seemed to be split between the remaining candidates, how do some of the staff here at Licking Valley feel about the upcoming election?

Junior Zack Hatfield interviewed history teacher, Mr. Clark, to see his answers to the following questions:

  1. How might your candidate change America for the better?

  2. How do your candidates’ viewpoints differ from those in their party?

  3. How will your candidate stand up to their competition?

  4. Why were/weren’t you surprised by your candidate’s performance during Super Tuesday?

College Prep and Regular World History teacher, Mr. Clark, supports Republican candidate and Senator of Texas Ted Cruz. He believes that Cruz will change America for the better by returning America to the form the writers of the Constitution intended, and away from the bureaucratic system “that’s stupid and doesn’t work”. He also said that Cruz’s policies don’t differ from the other candidates in the Republican party, specifically Cruz’s economic stimulus plan.

Mr. Clark wasn’t surprised by Cruz’s performance at the Super Tuesday, where he and the other Republican candidates lost to Donald Trump, thanks in part to first time voters, whom Trump has openly courted.

SWAT teacher, Mrs. Noblick, was also interviewed. She says that America “needs a candidate that will be a leader, the real deal and not a phony,” which she hasn’t seen so far from any of the candidates in either party, adding that she’s “very disappointed in our country’s choices.”

She stated that she doesn’t hear many differences coming from either party and said that their constant opposition and pitting against each other is not what America needs, and we need to hear about how they’ll help America. She also says that that the words “stand up” in the third question are words she wouldn’t use, saying that she has seen nothing of any of the candidates standing up to the competition.

She also was not surprised by the performance of the candidates during Super Tuesday, but was disappointed as they all continued attacking each other instead of offering directions for America’s major issues: income, health care, taxes, and immigration.

A survey was sent out to all LVHS staff on March 2nd, the survey as a whole receiving 24 responses. It’s intriguing that for the second pie chart, not one member of the staff chose Donald Trump as as candidate they support, which is intriguing given the amount of spotlight he’s had since the beginning of the campaign.

A staff member said: “Anyone but Trump or Cruz. Just needed to put that out there” (sic).

We, as a state and a country, will see the results of the primary when the Ohio primary happens on March 15th.

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