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Plan B Over The Counters?

The Plan B Morning After Pill is a pill that prevents a female from getting pregnant after having sexual intercourse. The Morning After Pill is available to girls over the counter ages 17 and above; if you are younger than 17 you need to have a prescription.

According to The New York Times, many people think these are abortion pills, but actually they just slow down the sperm by making the cervical mucus thicker and delaying or not allowing ovulation. The Morning After Pills do not kill a child; they just prevent one from being created.

Imagine that a little girl is walking home from school one day and a guy jumps out and rapes her. He didn't use a condom so she thinks she might be pregnant; she is only 13, and she can’t take care of a child that young. Her family is strongly against abortions so that isn't even an option. Another thing she can do is take the morning after pill but she is too young to buy it. Does she even have any other option?

According to Planned Parenthood, the Morning After Pill is only effective from 2-5 days after intercourse. It could take days to get into the doctor and to get a prescription and get it filled. It might be too late to take the pill by the time you get your hands on it.

According to Planned Parenthood, the Morning After Pill is up to 89% effective when used 75 hours after intercourse. The faster you take it the more effective it is, so it should be allowed over counter to people of all ages because otherwise it will take too long to get it.

According to a recent school-wide survey, 77.3% of people believe that The Morning After Pill should be available over counter, while 18.2% disagree.

As one anonymous student claimed, “it's an extra step to precaution. And it's utterly unfair for the government to try to step into the privacy in our lives [sic].”.

Another student states that “because a lot of girls who don't have access to any other type of birth receptor things need a way to keep themselves from being pregnant because kids are going to have sex whether or not its safe or not [sic].”

People are going to have sex regardless of what we do, so we should at least give them the option of The Plan B Morning After Pill.

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