Is Social Media Controlling Us?
Social media has been around for a long time, but the ideal concept is shifting gears as we pass through new generations. As it was once seen as a way to communicate with long distant relationships, is now considered as an addiction.
Not only is social media an addiction, it is putting a harsh effects upon our personal lives in many different concepts. We are depending our self esteem on how many followers we have, how many likes we get, and if someone texts us back fast enough.
Texting unfortunately has also caused a negative effect on our lives with how we are acting and thinking.
Think about it: if you are texting someone you care for and they don't text you back, you start to feel as if you aren't important enough to them. This creates an increase of narcissism, which eventually is mentally messing up your head with the actual outlook and reality on things.
Sadly, this is completely normal for today's generation.
We’re basing our lives off of what people we may or may not even know think of us.
Junior Payten Householder states, “To say social media is ruining relationships may be a little much, but it is definitely affecting them in a negative way.”
Nowadays people are using social media to determine their significant other. Meaning that, they let whatever the other person does on social media affect how they feel towards them. During a relationship if a boy favorites or retweets another girls post of even like her picture on Instagram it may cause tension forces from one person to the other.
Householder adds, “Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are causing more people to lose trust in one another.”
Social media has branched off in different directions with different meanings. This generation followed by the next need to figure out what life is about rather than going off this reality television show we call life.