Working Students and The Struggles
Having a part time job may cause the students to struggle with their grades; but they may not have a choice. Depending on the family situation, may cause the student to have to work a lot more than they wanted to. Here is results from a survey that was for Licking Valley High School students.
From the first two questions “What grade are you in?” And “Do you have a job?” Determines that a lot of the freshmen, juniors and seniors do have jobs that they go to every week to earn a paycheck
From the third and fourth question “How many hours do you work a week?” And “Why?” Determine that majority of students work an average of 15-25 hours a week and the reasoning is because they need the extra money in the house.What about students who have to work to help their family? Is it really a choice for them?
The last question was “Are you about to get your homework done during the week?” 60.7% said that they are about to get their homework done. But are they able to give it their all and do their absolute best on it?
As student, we know that there are shortcuts when we do homework but we won't get the full understanding of the information you are trying to learn. But of you take time and give it your all to complete it you will do better. Since all these students are working are they comprehending what they are learning?
The last thing that I asked the students of Licking Valley to do, was tell me about their problems that have occurred since they have been working. A lot of the students said that they are lacking sleep, because they work until 10 or so at night and have to stay up longer to do homework. One anonymous student wrote that “when we are given big projects and I work steadily throughout each week and have minimal time to work on my projects.”
Reading all the comments, sleep is the biggest struggle for these students. Not getting any sleep can will affect every single thing that you try doing. Stated by the AASM News Archive “According to the results, students reported sleeping, on average, 7.6 hours per school night, with 48 percent reporting less than eight hours. Hours of sleep per school night were significantly positively associated with GPA and level of motivation, and significantly negatively associated with clinically significant levels of emotional disturbance and ADHD.”
Students need an average of 8 sleep per night. But in some students cases, the job is more important. There is so much that we can do, but definitely making sure that students are getting enough sleep is a goal that we all should help achieve.