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Technological Trance

In our society, we can’t go anywhere without seeing a cellphone. Whether it’s someone walking down the street talking on their phone or a teenager eating with their family, so engaged in their game that they don’t look up once, there’s no escaping these addictive devices.

Parents should begin to limit the amount of time they allow their children to mindlessly stare at a screen. By doing so, they could help protect their children’s mental and physical health. They could also awaken their children’s emotional awareness. However, some claim that kids can socialize through technology and believe they should be allowed as much time on technology as they feel they need.

The time children spend staring at screens can have a negative impact on their mental health. According to MedlinePlus, if too much time is spent in front of a screen, children can have a difficult time falling asleep. The article also explains, “Too much screen time can raise your child’s risk of attention problems, anxiety, and depression.” At such a young age, children should not be at risk for these issues, especially if they can be prevented.

Spending too much time on technology can also result in children lacking the ability to detect certain emotions in people. In a study presented on NPR, several sixth-graders were involved in the experiment of determining how technology affects children’s emotional awareness. The study “found that sixth-graders who went five days without exposure to technology were significantly better at reading human emotions than kids who had regular access to phones, televisions and computers.” It’s no secret that teenagers are becoming more and more oblivious to the feelings of those around them. If this disrespect could be prevented by restricting screen time, then this action should be taken.

Those who encourage their children to spend as much time as they please on their electronics are sometimes oblivious to the long term effects, but some have their reasons. One of these is the social interactions children can gain from technology. However, a study found that “teens who spent more time online experienced greater declines in social and psychological well-being.” While teens can talk to one another online, they typically do so alone in their bedrooms, resulting in more time in solitude.

In an article supporting children’s attachment to screens, a sharpshooter fallacy was made. A sharpshooter fallacy is when the author of an article avoids mentioning the opposing side’s argument, in fear that it would refute their own points. The author of this article failed to point out why parents might not want their children staring at a screen all day, and only included personal experiences as evidence. By leaving out the opposing side, the author leaves the reader skeptical about the article’s claim. The reader is left wondering if there is information that could disprove the article.

If screen time is limited for children, they will not only obtain stronger mental and physical health, but they will also grow up into more respectful adults. Children need to learn to appreciate the people around them and can do so if they are not sucked into a screen. Once they distance themselves from technology and see what all the world has to offer, they too will realize the benefits of their actions. Giving children a cumulative of one hour a day to spend on technology is an effective way to cut back the amount of time they spend glued to their phones while maintaining a fair expectation.

Although several hours were spent on a computer to create this assertion, limiting screen time should be something more parents take into consideration.

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