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Football or Headball

Hitting, one thing that seem to happen in any sport like baseball, soccer, basketball, and hockey. But the one sport that causes the most hits is football. Football is a full contact sport and it always has been. For the past few decades that football has been around, many teams and workers have tried to make many changes to protect players from hits. Many have faced serious injuries and have lost their careers for either getting hit too hard or from hitting too hard. The main injury that occurs from this is concussions. A concussion is a temporary loss of consciousness that was caused by a hit to the head. But the game is safer, and padding in football now is one hundred times better than it was in the past.

Many teams have lost players because they have brain damage or they keep getting light headed in and out of plays. A lot of the pro and college teams have the best equipment out there, but it still hasn't stopped any injuries. Also, many older players have faced with CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). CTE is a head/brain disease that is found in older athletes that have suffered brain trauma.

Even though many people love the sport of football, it is hard to watch a favorite player get hurt during a game. But although the game is rough, it is a lot of fun to play; this is why people have created two hand tap football or flag football because you don't hit anyone. Now even though their are safer helmets and pads the players still face injuries. “In football there are so many head impacts because their heads are protected." This doesn't make any sense based on the fact that helmets do protect their heads and they aren't the main source of head injuries.

Now, next to legs breaking and arms snapping conclusions don't sound too bad. But they are serious injuries and they can cause brain damage and might possibly lead to death if not treated right. If someone gets a concussion, watch for headaches, loss of consciousness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea, and vomiting. You can get a concussion in almost any sport but football is the main sport that has the highest percentage of concussions.

On January 5th, 2015 a 25 year old college football player was found dead because of a concussion. People have lost jobs and careers revolving around sports and just one hit can take all that away from them. Even out of sports, someone could get a concussions like jumping and falling on their head or slipping and falling on ice. The point is that concussions are serious injuries and could hurt anyone and their career.

Someone may hear many terms like “break a leg” or “where did you get those hands at, foot locker”. They might seem funny until something serious happens after. Some people say that stuff and it could actually lead to a serious injury unintentionally.

People are still getting hurt but at least the rates of concussions are going down. Players are safer than they were in the 1960s. Players are safer and more protected now rather than in the past. So how about they stick to hitting with the shoulder instead of the head. The sport is called football, not headball.

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