Target Protest
Protesters in front of millions of Targets all over the U.S are ranting about the Target policy of letting transgenders use the restroom of whatever gender they identify themselves as.
In our own town at the Target in Heath, there were over 40 protesters Wednesday night going against Target’s policy; the best part is a local minister named Dave Daubenmire is who put together the protest, holding signs saying things such as “Don’t make a moral wrong a civil right”, “Caution: Men may be in women’s restroom!”, and “Target accomplice to sexual assault!”. These transgenders identify themselves as a male or female. They are not in the mindset of going into a bathroom and attacking the same sex as them. Have you ever heard of a transgender raping a child while being in the bathroom?
Isn’t a church supposed to be a safe place to go? Isn’t God supposed to be welcoming and accepting to everybody? So my question is, why is a minister spreading negative energy and not being accepting of everybody? These church people and preachers are being everything opposite of what they are supposed to be; they are being extremely judgemental.
Dave Daubenmire is not a very strong leader. Daubenmire has been sued in the late 1990s for doing prayers before football games while he was a coach at a public high school. Also, his son, Zachary Daubenmire, is spending the next five years on probation for being convicted of child pornography and got a felony charge for pandering obscenity involving a minor; then, after he violated his probation and was fined $1,000 and next time will have to spend two years in prison. He is now listed as a sexually oriented offender; authorities found 37 images and 26 movies of a minor engaging with an older man.
Shouldn’t a man be more worried about his own family before worrying about a public issue? His own son is the predator that everybody is protesting against; these protesters are scared of women going into the men's bathroom and raping the little boys or men going into women's bathroom and raping little girls.
A sharpshooter fallacy would be that the people protesting against this have no proof that transgenders have went into bathrooms with the intentions or even doing the action of raping. A fallacy is an idea that somebody has but they have no proof or evidence of it being true.
Transgenders are just now being discriminated against for no reason; people are making a big fuss about it just to discriminate, not really because they are in fear of them doing these actions.