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The Difference Between Abuse and Discipline

The difference is clear; yet for some reason, we must still tell people that hitting your children is wrong. There is no “grey area” or “fine line.” Discipline is excessive if the punishment is meant to instill fear rather than educate the child. Teaching children about respect begins by respecting them, and inflicting pain or fear upon a child is teaching violence and disrespect.

Corporal punishment should be illegal because it focuses on instilling fear in the child, rather than teaching them a lesson.

If a child is physically injured, including bruising, bleeding, and swelling, the parent has veered from disciplining and has turned towards abuse. Many argue that spanking is not abuse, which is a topic I could actually find some middle ground on. When done correctly, the purpose of spanking is not done out of anger and meant to inflict serious pain upon the child, and it does not humiliate or violate the child.

Saying that “it’s my child and I will discipline them however I see fit” is an invalid argument because although it is your child, it is the government’s responsibility that children remain safe. The child’s wellbeing is not only of concern to you, but also their teachers, grandparents, and many other loved ones. That being said, it is many people’s business about how someone disciplines their children. This is an example of an authority fallacy, by a parent saying “I will do what I want because I am the parent”; they are claiming false authority. Rules still apply to them, and they are not above the law because they are parents.

There are other forms of abuse besides physical, such as mental abuse. Parents or care-givers are the primary source of safety, security, love, understanding, nurturance and support. Child abuse violates the trust at the core of a child’s relationship with the world. If one causes a child to lose their trust, they will have a difficult time accepting love from other people. Forms of mental abuse include things such as telling a child that they aren’t good enough, that they are a disappointment, or any other words or phrases that make them feel inferior.

Children who grow up in a violent home are much more likely to develop a mental illness; they are almost two and a half times as likely to have a poor mental health outcome. Many victim’s lives are characterized by frequent crises such as job disappointments, relocations, failed relationships, and financial setbacks. Many are the result of unresolved childhood abuse issues. Depression is common among those who experience abuse, and the chances of the child becoming a criminal are heightened greatly.

If corporal punishment becomes illegal, it will be fair for all people. Not all parents may agree, but something seems wrong that a parent cares so much about spanking their child that they would try and argue a law. There are other means of discipline, and it would look poorly on a parent if they were genuinely upset that they lost the right to hit their child.

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