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Stop the Discrimination

Transgenders are people who do not feel like the gender they were born as. Transgenders don't feel right in their body and believe they should of been born as the opposite gender. For example, someone may have been born male and have the body of a male, but on the inside they feel and act female. Transgenders should have the right to use the bathroom of their prefered gender.

According to Newsela, the justice system sued North Carolina over a new state law concerning that people have to use the bathroom of the gender they were born into. Someone who was born a male has to go to the male bathroom even if they identify as a female.

North Carolina fought back against the government because every student should feel accepted and safe in their schools and should feel accepted by their teachers. Students should use the bathroom that makes them feel comfortable.

This is discrimination. Schools should try to keep out discrimination. As Newsela says, there is no room for discrimination in schools of any kind, especially for transgenders who are having enough trouble fitting in anyway.

Schools must now treat children as the gender that they identify as and not what is on their record because it's not fair to discriminate on them especially when, if you didn't know what was on their record, you may not even know they are transgender because they look so much like the gender they identify as.

According to Marie Claire, an estimated 700,00 people identify as transgender and a 41% of those who identify have attempted suicide because of discrimination on the transgender community. We need to learn to accept and welcome all students no matter if they are male, female, or transgender.

About 15,500 people in the army are transgender. There are transgenders out there fighting for our country, so why are we discriminating against them? 26% of people have lost their job because they are transgender, and another 50% have reported being harassed in their work environment. If you are at work, then you should stay focused on work and not worry about what gender your coworker is because it does not affect you in any way.

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