Why Classic Games Still Remain Playable
Most everyone who considers themselves a lover of videogames has one. That dirty old console or handheld that you still love to play even though it might have been around since before you were. Why is it that people love these old games?
When you start to think about it, it doesn’t make much sense. There doesn’t seem to be any particular reason why these older games could hold up to the new games of today. Their graphics are subpar. The storylines are linear and often much shorter than new games. The gameplay itself is even much simpler because the processors of older consoles could not handle as many different moves.
Perhaps the answer isn’t in the game itself. Maybe the reason that people feel drawn to these old games is because of what we associate with them: memories. When we play these old games, we aren’t really playing them. We are reliving playing them as kids, back in the days when life seemed more simple and more fun. The graphics don’t matter, nor does the storyline. The only thing that matters is the game itself. People don’t care if a game is old, but care if it reminds them of a time when they were care-free and happy.
Altogether, consoles like a Nintendo 64 or an Atari or even a PlayStation 2 will always live in the hearts of today’s gamers. Not because of what you could do in the games or the games themselves, but they will live on because of the nostalgia for lost times they inspire in the memories of the people who grew up playing on them.