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Young Sports Teams

Licking Valley sports teams have consisted of a bunch of young players on the varsity team for the year of 2016.

For example, the softball team was made up of mostly sophomores and a couple freshmen.

This year's volleyball team only consists of 3 seniors. Most of the girls didn't have a varsity experience, so their seasons may not have gone as well as they planned. The seniors would have liked a better season than what they had, but they still had lots of fun and enjoyed playing with younger girls.

Freshman Mackenzie Meadows says, “It was a big change going straight into varsity ball and trying to get use to but it was fun getting to play and learn the experience.”

Some of the sophomores have been playing varsity for two years now, such as Alexis Stevens who says, “It’s weird going from playing in districts last year, to only winning two games this season.”

It was a big transition when the class of 2015 graduated. Those softball girls have been playing and growing together since they were little.

The volleyball team had an average season with only three seniors, along with a lot of sophomores and freshmen. They had a rough tournament draw this year, too. Their second game was against Bishop Hartley, who has a girl that's going Division 1. They played hard during the whole season and didn't let it get to them.

Hopefuly, next year there is a better turn out for all the sports. Just practice hard and work for it.

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