Computer Cases
Recently, the school has been cracking down on students keeping the cases on their computers because the amount of computer damages has become too much.
Many students have been called down sometime in the past two weeks for a class meeting with Mr. Weaver. During these meetings, we were informed that we are now being required to have a computer case on our computers at all time or we will get sent to the office and, after a couple times, we will receive a Saturday school.
This has caused a fuss among the students,because some of us received the case the first day of freshman year and tossed them out. Now, three years later, we are being required to use them and have no clue where they are or if we even still have them.
They also don't fit in our book bags at all, and are a pain to try to try to carry around with the rest of our stuff.
Many students believe that we should not have to wear them because we pay for them if they break anyway.
According to the school, they pay the money to fix the parts and it's getting to be too much- that's why they are cracking down. If this is true, why don't they add the expenses to our bill that we get every time we break them?
Recently, I sent out a school wide survey, and 65.2% of kids believe that we should not be required to keep a case on our computer.
One anonymous student states, “Punish the kids that break their computers not the rest of us.”
I agree we could possibly have only the people who keep breaking their computer wear the cases, because some of us are responsible and we shouldn't be punished because of other people’s actions.
Another anonymous student states, “1) Computer cases are large and are not practical or convenient in any way 2) As a senior with a used case, most are either damaged or plain disgusting 3)We pay for the damages to our computers, if labor is an issue, just add a labor cost or don’t be lazy about it 4)We are not children. Simple as that, it should be our responsibility to take care of the computers 5)They cannot prevent us from taking our computer out of the case outside of school, so are they really preventing anything (take in account that most of the severely broken computers were broken at home or away from school) (And if they aren't going to give us nice - as in not broken or gross - cases, they should not be able to force us to keep our computers in their case) GOOD LUCK TRYING TO KEEP THIS RULE EFFECTIVE!”[sic].