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All About Women

Would you consider yourself a feminist? Do you want to learn about women's roles in literature as well as life? We have the perfect class for you! Offered as an elective for the 2016-2017 school year taught by Ms. McMillen is a class that will teach you all you want to know as well challenge your mind and make you think outside of the box. Women’s Lit is a great option for any perspective writer, any advocate for women's equality, or anyone who is just interested in challenging their thinking.

Interviewer: What is the course like for Women’s Lit? or What will the students be learning?

McMillen: They will be looking at a variety of reading materials, literature from short stories to novels such as The Secret Life of Bees, and they will also be looking at current news and issues.

Interviewer: Are there any boys in the class? If so, how do they add to the conversation of the class? If not, do you encourage them to take the class?

McMillen: This year no. I’ve had boys in the past-One year I had 50% males, and they were able to respond to things from a male perspective. “I do, it’s always great for them to be in the class.”

Interviewer: How could this class benefits a boy’s way of thinking?

McMillen: Because the class discussions are so open, they really get a good look at the opinions and attitudes of females, and it gives them the opportunity to discuss things openly.

Interviewer: What are class discussions like?

McMillen: Very open, honest, we encourage thinking in different ways and to be kind to each other when expressing feelings.

Interviewer: Do you plan to teach this class again next year? Why or why not?

McMillen: If my schedule is open to it. It really depends year to year based on Spanish and Journey to College.

Interviewer: Do your own personal opinions/feelings affect the way you teach this class? If so, how?

McMillen: I would say yes, because of the material I choose, often times it is challenging to our beliefs. I try to get the students to really think.

Interviewer: Can you define feminism? How does it relate to Women’s Lit?

McMillen: “Feminism is the understanding that women are people and deserve the same rights and therefore responsibilities that men have.” Many of the readings selected for the course share in the same ideology or beliefs that feminism does.

Ms.McMillen was then asked if there was anything else she would like the students to know. She replied that she wants them to know that Rosie the Riveter (pictured above) is their inspiration for the class. As a long standing symbol of feminism and the inspiration for women to get involved in the work force during World War II, they could not have picked a better, more symbolic inspiration for their class. So if this class sounds like the right fit for you, everyone is encouraged to take it.

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