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Why a Clinton OR Trump Presidency Could Spell Disaster for the US

This year’s presidential race has been...controversial, to say the least. Between the wide array of the Republican candidate’s comments to the numerous instances of odd behavior from the Democratic candidate, this election seems to have people either strongly supporting one of the candidates, hating one of the candidates, or hating both candidates and looking at the other options.

There are two sides of the extreme during this year’s election: people are either yelling “No to Trump!” or “No to Clinton!”. Well, do we really want either?

Of course, this article is only my personal opinion. People can be very strong about their political beliefs, and that’s absolutely acceptable. These beliefs can be the core behind what someone stands for and their character overall, shaping them into the person they are today.

This article isn’t meant to sway anyone, and I’m not trying to shove my agenda down everyone’s throats. This article is not meant to be propaganda; it is meant to show the audience yet another way of looking at perhaps one of the most divisive and crucial presidential elections in our existence.

With that warning out the way, let’s examine why either candidate’s presidency could be disastrous towards the United States.

Hillary Clinton (D)

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the former Secretary of State, serving from 2009-2013. She also was the First Lady to President Bill Clinton during his terms that lasted from 1993 until 2001. Clinton previously ran for president during 2008, but she lost to Barack Obama when he received the majority of the superdelegates at the Democratic National Convention during August 2008.

In a YouTube video, Mrs. Clinton announced her second campaign on April 15, 2015.

By the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton surpassed and received the majority of the delegates and became the Democratic nominee. She has either been praised by her supporters or disdained by her haters.

In 2012, an Islamic militant group attacked and killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, at an American embassy. Following this attack, many began speculating on whether President Obama’s administration, which included Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State, knew or failed to act upon the attack. Clinton eventually was ordered to attend a congressional hearing, where she was questioned about the possibility of her not acting enough to possibly stopping the attack.

She’s been viewed as untrustworthy in some American’s’ eyes, which is one possible reason as to why many people are against her and her campaign for presidency. If she is elected, however, it is quite possible that other nations would refuse to negotiate with us given our possible leader’s shady past, one of those countries being Israel, who Clinton has said she’d be willing to attack before.

In response to her odd behavior during some events she attended, voters began questioning on whether Hillary Clinton was healthy enough to serve as the President of the United States if she were to be elected.

She collapsed at a 9/11 memorial service, has had coughing fits that have lasted for anywhere between two to five minutes and has had unusual shaking fits while being interviewed. Shortly after her collapse, her campaign released a statement saying “that she had in fact been diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics”; however, some doctors question whether this diagnosis is accurate. Dr. Lee Hieb says that a concussion Clinton suffered prior to her campaign “can cause long-term side effects, seizures, personality changes and cognitive deficits”. Clinton could be too unhealthy to serve her possible presidency, which is a massive hurdle in her election path.

The most well-known and largest hurdle in Clinton’s presidency and view from the public is the infamous email issue. For those who are unfamiliar with it, Mrs. Clinton used her own e-mail address rather than having a State Department e-mail address. She sent out e-mails via “private servers located in her Chappaqua, N.Y., home”.

While she claimed that there was no classified content on her servers, an FBI investigation proved quite the contrary. Throughout tens of thousands of emails, “113 contained classified information, and three of those contained classified markers.” FBI Director James Comey said that Clinton shouldn’t be prosecuted given the fact that there was no substantial evidence that she intentionally sent this classified information, but he called her handling of these certain emails “extremely careless”. It doesn’t matter whether she was prosecuted or not; Hillary Clinton sent out emails containing classified information, which makes her seem very untrustworthy with classified information.

While she may not make inappropriate and simply disgusting comments like the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton’s decisions and stances can be just as dangerous as Donald Trump’s comments, possibly more in some voters’ eyes.

Hillary Clinton is running for the Democratic party, and her running mate is Virginia senator, Tim Kaine.

Donald Trump (R)

Donald J. Trump is a known billionaire, real-estate mogul and reality TV star. He’s most recognized from the NBC series, The Celebrity Apprentice, which started in 2004. Trump has also written 16 books, including Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again, which is where he possibly got his campaign slogan. He announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, in a speech that lasted over 50 minutes. Along with his candidacy, Trump also addressed some his main issues, such as job creation and dealing with ISIS.

After winning many state primaries,Trump was elected as the Republican nominee at the Republican National Convention over a year after his candidacy announcement. Trump wasn’t too controversial at the start of his campaign, but as the months grew greater in number, so did the amount of negative attention around the Republican candidate.

First and foremost, Donald Trump has made dozens upon dozens of inappropriate and tasteless comments. Recently, a tape from over 11 years ago reveals that “Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women” in a conversation, saying that he can touch a woman because he’s a star.

Granted, this lewd remark was made prior to Trump’s candidacy, but that doesn’t excuse the terrible and frankly disgusting message behind it.

Ever since the tape recording was leaked, there have been a total of 11 women who have accused Mr. Trump of sexual assault. Granted, he is innocent until he is proven guilty, but this accusation

This conversation has seemed to affect Trump’s possibility at winning, with, according to FiveThirtyEight, Republican women beginning to rally against Trump, with 42% of Republican Congresswomen now not endorsing him, which is a high contrast from the small 17% of Republican Congressmen agreeing with their opinion. Trump has seemed to already create a negative relationship with women, which could be harmful towards his and the US’s image.

Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering the country until he can reform the immigration process, if he were to be elected. While it may not be unconstitutional, according to Constitutional Daily, due to the United States being a sovereign and independent nation, the US has always been allowed to choose who may or may not enter the country. Some people may think this is a smart idea, given the attacks in San Bernadino and Paris, France; however, it’s a strong possibility that banning an entire religious group of people could anger nations that have a very high Muslim population.

Trump isn’t viewed in a positive light around the world. In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, “85% of the Europeans surveyed [about Donald Trump becoming the president] doubted [his] ability to do the right thing regarding world affairs. Among them, 92% of Swedes and 89% of Germans said they had no confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to handle the international aspect of the presidency”. Those surveyed do make some sort of point given Trump’s controversial comments about some foreign nations, frequently China, saying that they have “ripped us to shreds”. If these other nations disapprove of our possible candidate for the presidency, it could be possible that these nations would not want to negotiate with us.

Donald Trump hasn’t exhibited a professional image, or at least an image of a adequate president. By spouting some inappropriate comments, his words could damage America’s reputation.

Donald Trump is running for the Republican party, and his running mate is Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence.

Compared to past elections, this election seems to be very imperative. Both candidates have flaws and policies that could fling our nation into an era of despair. Both candidates are very divisive and have their die-hard followers.

It is not the candidate’s decision on who wins. It’s yours. Those who are able to vote have the right to choose the most competent candidate to not only serve as our country’s leader, but also represent our nation.

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