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Jill Stein and her lit Green Party

As of 2016 the current Green Party candidate is Jill Stein. Stein had gone to Harvard for sociology, psychology, and anthropology but went back after graduation to get a degree in the medical field. Whilst work working as a doctor, she became curious on how the environment affected her patient’s health.

In 1998, she fought to regulate air pollution from coal plants in Massachusetts and thus began her long journey of trying to help the Earth. Stein has run for many political offices such as governor, state secretary, and president.

This year was the first year she has been nominated the candidate for the Green Party, but she wasn't able to get enough support to be a part of the presidential debates. Stein has not been doing very well in this year’s elections compared to the rest. She has the least amount of supporters because her political party isn’t very popular, especially with how much drama has came along with the Trump vs Hillary election.

Green Party candidates and followers believe that the environment is crucially important. They tend to be less conservative and more open to equality amongst all people. They’re sometimes considered to be a smaller version of democrats.

Since the the 1970s, the environment has been a controversial topic to some. Global warming is said to have started in 1975 due to pollution from people creating greenhouse gases.

The environment is something Hillary and Trump haven’t talked much about, which could be very concerning to someone that care a great deal about the Earth.

Because Stein is the candidate for the Green party, the environment is very important to her. She plans to fix labeling for GMOs, uranium mines, offshore drilling, etc.

With the last few decades more open-minded people have been fighting for the legalization of certain drugs. It’s been a controversial topic for while now, but the legalization of marijuana is a huge issue, especially with millennials growing up and being able to speak out about things they believe are right.

Though I am not aware of Jill’s history with drugs, she grew up in the 70s, when drugs were more accepted.

Because Jill is a very nondiscriminatory person, she believes that marijuana should be legal and drugs as a whole should not be considered a mental health problem, not a criminal problem.

Almost always, if one is to go to college they’re going to be in debt from the tuition for a very long time. Many people find this unfair to the people that can’t afford college, but would be wonderful students that would be very helpful in the career they wish to pursue.

Being someone that’s gone to Harvard more than once, Jill has to understand what it’s like to owe college tuition. Jill wants to work on giving students the ability to go to school for free, whether it be pre-school or college. According to Stein, “Education is a right,” which many people may be losing that right due to the high costs of college tuition.

If you would like to know more about the Green Party candidate, there are many helpful websites such as:,

Sadly, Stein is not allowed to participate in debates, but Democracy Now interview Stein to get her ideas on issues out to the public. You can watch the interview here:

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