Is she really a 'liar, liar, pants on fire'?
Lately, Hillary Clinton has been bashed during debates for being dishonest. People are assuming this because of the incident with the emails, but that doesn’t mean that all of what she says is untrue.
This is not Hillary’s first time being involved in politics. From the time she was just a teenager to now, Hillary Clinton has been involved. From working with the Republican party when Barry Goldwater was running as the presidential nominee, being first lady to her husband Bill Clinton, running for president once before in 2008, to then becoming the Secretary of State for the first four years of President Obama’s presidential term. Secretary Clinton has a background in politics which makes her more fit to be our next president, compared to Donald Trump who has none. People believe that Hillary Clinton is a liar and that Donald has all the answers, but let’s check the facts and really find out.
Hillary Clinton has made many statements that have been questioned and, thanks to a website, Politifact, they are able to be proven authentic. In one statement, Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump ‘started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans.’” Hillary mentioned this at one of the debates and it turned out to be true. At the age of 27, Trump helped his father run Trump Management and they violated the Fair Housing Act, some of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, because they were discriminating against people because of their race. Trump discriminates now, and has allegedly since he was only 27. Trump settled out of court.
Another statement made by Hillary about the gun epidemic was also proven authentic by Politifact. In the statement Hillary states, “The gun epidemic is the leading cause of death of young African-American men, more than the next nine causes put together", and when looking at the facts this statement is certainly true. More African-American men have been killed from gun-related deaths than from the next nine causes of death combined. Trump believes the Second Amendment should be protected but also wants to create ways to get gangs and drug violence off the streets. Hillary has found the facts and stated the problem and wants to make the difference; Trump only wants to try to clean up the problem while still allowing guns to be in anyone's hands.
Now that we have taken the time to prove that Secretary Clinton’s statements are true and that Trump is really the liar here, let’s look at a few of his statements, which are so ridiculous some may say they’re not surprised his pants haven’t caught on fire yet. In one statement Trump “Says Hillary Clinton was ‘let off the hook’ for her email scandal while Gen. David Petraeus had his life ‘destroyed for doing far, far less’”. This statement is untrue and, in fact, Trump has the statement flipped. Gen. David Petraeus’ case was much worse. The best statement that Trump has said is when he says “he won the second debate with Hillary Clinton ‘in a landslide’ in ‘every poll’”.
Whether people support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, they could have learned something from reading this article. It may have even changed some minds. Both candidates have their pros and their cons and both may tell some lies and tell the absolute truth. Hillary Clinton is the liar and Donald Trump knows all his stuff, but when the facts are checked the tables are flipped.