Trump's wall
Candidate Donald Trump is announcing that if he becomes President of the United States, he will force Mexico to build a wall along the Mexican border. Trump believes that this will help to keep out “killers and rapists” and it will make America safer. Many people hate the idea of this wall being built for different reasons: that the debt we will be in, the fact that it is not going to keep illegal immigrants out, and how it would make the United States look very rude.
An anonymous school-wide survey asked students what they think about the wall, and what the purpose of the wall even is. The question “If Donald Trump is elected president, do you think the border wall would be built?”, 79 students responded and over half of them gave the answer of “no”.
A student responded to the question “How would the wall affect our country?” with “The wall would make it harder to travel to Mexico, it will make it hard for mexican families in the US to visit the rest of their family in Mexico, and it would put us more in debt than we already are. Mainly it would affect travel and economy.” The wall would cost about $8-$12 billion, but that’s without the cost of labor and maintenance. The United States is already in over 19 trillion dollars worth of debt and adding another 8-12 billion isn't going to do any good. Although Trump states that he is going to make Mexico pay for the wall, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto says “there is no scenario”, while speaking about Mexico paying for the wall.
Some students think that the border wall would be a good idea, saying, “The "wall" would be great for our country, I think some of the crime rates and Illegal immigration will slow down, As an [example] look at the EUn (European United Nations) They accepted islamic people and their crimes rates such as rape and killings went up.” The border may help with bad people coming into the US, but over 40% of illegal immigrants come via plane and many just overstay their visas.
Overall the border wall that Trump wants to build is going to put the United States in more debt than it already is, it is going to make America seem like an unfriendly place, and it is not going to truly change anything. Illegal immigrants will find a way to come to the United States no matter if the wall is there or not. The wall would be a waste of time, effort and money. The United States should focus on more pressing matters, such as the education system, corruption, the economy, and healthcare.