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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; the comedy aspect

The 2016 presidential election is catching attention everywhere, especially in comedians eyes. Clinton and Trump have both been made fun of on multiple shows including Saturday Night Live. SNL has done quite a few skits mocking the 2016 presidential candidates including all of the debates.

Both Clinton and Trump have hosted the show but they both had different reactions. Clinton enjoyed the parodies while Trump did not. Trump has many tweets proving that he did not enjoy it. However, Hillary did enjoy it. According to Entertainment Weekly, Hillary explained, “ I can’t wait to see what else they’re going to do”. Alec Baldwin, an actor on Saturday Night Live, was one of the few actors who were brave enough to act as Trump. He did such a good job on the Trump impression, Clinton herself gave him an endorsement.

Saturday Night live did a parody for all three debates. Alec Baldwin played Trump, and Kate McKinnon played Clinton. In the first debate, Michael Che played Lester Holt, which was the host of the debate.

Alec Baldwin did a good job mocking Trumps gestures with his facial expressions, hand movements, and looks. Baldwin (Trump) explained about how all the jobs are feeling from America and heading to other countries. Although this is a parody, Trump did explain this in the actual debate. In the Republican primary debate, Trump explained, “ I’m going to bring jobs back from China, Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam. They’re taking our jobs.” Baldwin also mocked Trump by saying “ gina”, instead of China. Trump has been known for mispronouncing the word. Donald Trump then tweeted, “ Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!” Clearly stating Trump did not like the show’s impression on him.

Clinton, unlike Trump, enjoyed the skits. Especially, Baldwin’s impression on trump. In the first debate, Kate McKinnon (Hillary Clinton), called Trumps economic plans “Trumped up trickle down economics”. In the actual debate Clinton was explaining how Trumps plan would bring us down and she then stated, “ I call it ‘Trumped up trickle down’ because that’s exactly what it would be”.

Saturday Night Live is one of many shows that have mocked the presidential candidates. It’s catching attention everywhere. Clinton who has been mocked on the show many times before, was excited and loved the skits while Trump did not.

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