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Hillary Clinton's viewpoints

Hillary Clinton is a 69 year old democrat from Chicago Illinois, she served as first lady to Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001, she was then elected to the US senate in 2001 making her the first American lady to ever win a public office seat. She became the 67th US secretary of state in 2009 and served to 2012. Hillary is currently running as a presidential candidate.

Marriage Equality

As presented by,, Hillary Clinton wants to work to continue Obama’s LGBT equality actions by passing the Equality Act. Clinton supports LGBT people. She wants to create safe and welcome shelters for LGBT homeless people and work to fix the LGBT bullying in schools. Clinton wants to protect the rights of transgenders, she wants to work to protect them from discrimination and what’s to make it easier for them to change their gender on legal documents. Clinton has been an advocate for the LGBT community throughout her career.

According to Teen Vogue, Clinton is a strong supporter of LGBT and she received the endorsement of the Human Rights Campaign, which is one of the nation's largest LGBT advocacy groups.

Clinton fought for greater LGBT rights as a secretary of state for Brock Obama. If elected president Clinton would support federal legislation to ban all discrimination.


As stated by,, Clinton is pro-choice; she believes that woman should be able to chose what happens to her body along with doctor's approval. She will continue standing with Planned Parenthood and fighting for women's reproductive freedom.

Clinton led the charge to stop the Bush Administration from restricting the Plan B contraption. She introduced a bill to guarantee U.S service women, who are often victims of rape, access to the Plan B contraption. As president Hillary Clinton will stop Republicans from defunding Planned Parenthood.

Health Care

According to, Clinton wants to continue building on the progress we made, she wants to work to bring down the health care costs for families. She wants to ease burdens on small businesses and make sure all consumers have choices they deserve.

If Clinton became president, she would defend the affordable act and extend it. She wants to cut down on out of pocket fees like co pays and deductibles. She wants to reduce the cost of prescription drugs to 12.6% which is a big step from our 2013 2.5%.


Clinton will make debt free colleges available to everyone and work on student loan debt, according to If Clinton became president all community colleges will offer free tuition. The one quarter of college students who are also parents will get the support and resources they need.

According to The Briefing, Hillary Clinton has planned to help the millions of Americans that are in debt, get out of debt and make colleges debt-free for future generations.

Gun Control

As presented by On the Issues, Clinton wants to bring together communities to work on criminal justice reform together as a mutual goal. She believes we need to get guns out of the hands of people who don't need them. The gun epidemic is leading cause of death in young African-American men. Clinton believes that we need to make sure that the police and the community need to have a mutual respect.

According to, If Clinton was elected president, she would expand background checks and get rid of loop holes such as the “Charleston loophole”. She would work to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, the severely ill, and other violent criminals. She would support laws that made domestic abusers unable to purchase a gun.


Hillary Clinton's stance is clear and bold, she completely stands behind the Democratic beliefs. She is currently most likely to win in the upcoming election according to Real Clear Politics.

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