Who the students are voting for or supporting
For students at Licking Valley the elections are coming soon and who they’re supporting has been a big debate. For most seniors, it’s a big decision because they can chose to vote for the candidate of their choice. The results of the anonymous survey that was sent out the students to see who they were voting for/supporting is very divided.
A student who supports Trump said, “I'm supporting donald trump because he understands the working man, he's not afraid to say what any of the other politicians are afraid too, and is what's best for this country, the third party canidates dont have a chance (as usual), and hillary is a crook, not that donald isnt, hes the best of the 2 in my opinion, i like his views on foreighn policy (that we need to keep ILLEGALS out) I dont buy into all the contriversey that Donald is racist, because he wants to deport ILLEGAL immigrants. Donald is a buisness man and can get this country out of debt if he uses his head, hes been in buisness for many years and has grown up around it his entire life [sic]”, They bring up a lot of controversial topics about the candidates.
Senior Carter Hall, who asked to not remain anonymous, said, “I am voting for Donald Trump, not because he was my first choice, but because he still represents the overarching values of the Republican party, which are the basis of why I am a Republican.” Some other Republicans have chosen to vote for Clinton instead of Trump.
Over half the school is supporting Donald Trump. The quotes of the many students who support Trump reveal a pattern: . Examples of this are like “memes” or “Because TRUMP is #buildingthewall…[sic]”. This was pattern that was most noticed in Trump supporters but this wasn’t exclusive to him; other candidates also got unprofessional responses.
One student supporting Clinton put into word their opinion on every candidate: “I support Hillary Clinton because the possibility of Gary Johnson or Jill Stein winning is impractical. I dislike Donald Trump, he is racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic. His plans for the nation will ultimately crash it. Hillary Clinton is not a good presidential candidate, but she is far better than Donald Trump;” they chose Hillary Clinton because to them it is the most practical option.
Another person voting for Hillary Clinton explained, “I feel she has the best plan of action to fix our broken government by taking the crooked politicians out and replacing them with honest ones. Trump wants to take everyone out and start fresh which could truly hurt us and break this country as well as force it into chaos. I feel if Hillary gets voted into office we stand a better chance of fixing our coutry and possibly even get us out of our trillions of dollars of debt [sic],” showing their support for Clinton and their dislike towards Trump.
Gary Johnson was less popular than the main candidates but a few students still spoke about him: “I support Gary Johnson because he isn't Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and he's a Libertarian.” He seems to be the choice most people go to if they don’t like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
Even less people support Jill Stein but one student said, “I am unable to vote yet, but if I was able to I would vote for Jill Stein, I do not agree with Mr. Trump's Ideas, and I do not feel that Bill Clinton should be in the White House again. Mr. Johnson is an author and if he was elected then he'd have a handful with writing books and making America's decisions”, they feel Johnson isn’t fit because he doesn’t have the experience and also that Clinton and Trump should not be elected, which leaves them with Stein.
Donald Trump in the end would win at our school with more than double the support that Hillary Clinton has. Does this hint to the popular vote among youth? Or does it reveal who will win the election?