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Donald Trump's viewpoints

Donald Trump’s Viewpoints

Donald Trump is a 70-year-old billionaire real estate mogul and reality television personality. He became the Republican presidential Nominee in 2016. His viewpoints on some of the controversial topics of this presidential race are somewhat confusing to voting and non-voting citizens such as myself. Some of these topics are included below.


According to On the Issues, Trump has made it difficult to see what side he is on when it comes to aborting a child since his first statement on it in 1999. He said, “I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.” Then 12 years later in 2011, he stated "I am pro-life," during his Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) speech. In 2015, he said to just ban late term abortions with the exceptions of rape, incest, or health concerns of the mother. In February of this year, when talking to two different senators (Cruz and Rubio), he made contradictory claims, With Cruz, he stated that Planned Parenthood has done a lot of good for women's health, but with Rubio just days later, he stated that it is good but it needs to to defunded.

Trump has come to make it somewhat unclear as to which side he stands on or if he is just borderline for both sides. He has come to muck up the waters for some of the voters and other citizens out there. Hopefully, before the race is over, he will have made it clear where he stands and what he has planned to do or what he may be planning to do, if he loses this election but chooses to try and run again. Drugs

In 2000, he stated that he had never touched drugs, smoked cigarettes or had a single sip of alcohol. The main reason for him never having a drink of anything alcoholic is because his brother died of alcoholism, so he promised to never drink.

According to On the issues, in July of 2015 during the CPAC conference he stated that he supports medical marijuana. “Medical marijuana is another thing, but I think [recreational marijuana,] it's bad. And I feel strongly about that.” In May of this year he stated he agreed with Mrs. Clinton on legalizing marijuana slowy as the war on hardcore drugs winds down.

It seems as though Mr. Trump has made it clear where he stands on legalization of marijuana and the war on drugs. If it so happens that he wins this election, that he will lower the number of arrests for drugs and legalize marijuana and maybe even pull people out of incarceration for being arrested for having/using marijuana.

Gay Rights

As reported by On the issues, Mr. Trump has made it somewhat clear in the past where he stands on gay marriage, but here in the last year or so it seems he may have mucked up the water some. On March 11, 2011, Mr. Trump was asked if he supported same sex marriage, and at first he told the press that he did not support it or civil benefits.

In 2015 he stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and that the Supreme Court could issue a ruling to determine the law.

Just this year on June 17th, he was asked if sexual orientation is an invalid reason for firing workers. “Yes. Asked whether private companies should be able to fire employees simply because they're gay, Trump said on "Meet The Press" that he didn't think sexual orientation "should be a reason" for letting workers go.”

This has made it hard to determine where he stands and what he really supports. This may help determine if he will be president or not after the election comes to its close. Gun Control

According to On the Issues, Mr. Trump has made it hard to understand where he stands on gun control; due to contradicting statements and answers back to back it is just hard to understand what he wants for our country.

On July 2, 2000, Mr. Trump stated that he generally opposes gun control but is for assault weapon ban a longer waiting period and a background check for those trying to purchase a firearm.

Then, just recently, he has made a few statements regarding that it’s more about mental health than gun control, saying, “No matter what you do, guns, no guns, it doesn't matter. You have people that are mentally ill. And they're going to come through the cracks. And they're going to do things that people will not even believe are possible. And whether it's the school shootings, which are really very prevalent in this country. They seem to be more prevalent in this country.”

He has made it unclear whether he wants to take guns away from everyone, if he wants to just keep terrorists away from them or if he wants to do extensive background checks on anyone who would like to purchase one to see if they have a history of mental issues. Healthcare

Though Mr. Trump has made it hard to see where he stands on some issues, he has made it very clear where he stands on healthcare. According to, he wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with affordable health insurance.

He also wants to work with Congress to create a patient centered healthcare system. Obamacare was supposed to make premiums go down by $2500 but instead it raise it by $5000. Because of this, Trump works with states to establish high-risk pools to ensure access to coverage for individuals who have not maintained continuous coverage.

Compared to Hillary’s plan to expand Obamacare, she wants to make it available for illegal immigrants and she wants to offer a public option on the exchanges, driving out private health plans and leaving Americans with eventually no choices but a government run plan.

It seems even though Donald Trump has made a lot of false statements and has made it unclear as to where he stands on some of the topics in this election, he is still in the race, but as it stands now, he thankfully has the lower chance of winning compared to Hillary Clinton.

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