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Dear Mr.President

I wanted to express to you, before you leave office, how awesome you are! Before this big year, of my first time voting, I did not know much of politics. I did not think it was necessary to keep up with it or stress over it after hearing for years people arguing over it. When I say this, I do not mean I had no idea what was going on I was just not as involved as I currently am. Thanks to my journalism teacher, right before the primary I became more and more involved and interested in the election. He had us do journalism stories on the candidates, advertisements, and voting.

Only one problem, in my first year voting, I was saddened with the fact that I was not in favor of either candidate. Not only was it difficult to decide who to vote for, but I felt sad and disappointed that I could not walk up to the voting machine in confidence and leave satisfied with my choice.

I have no problem talking about who I voted for and why; I value everyone's opinion and views on the election. I even find it interesting to hear what others have to say. I personally voted for Hillary Clinton. I did so because I am against almost every single thing Donald Trump is for. I am disgusted with the way he has acted throughout this whole election. I am still astonished as to why Americans think this kind of behavior is acceptable; I mean how could we go from someone as respectable as you to him? He has made fun of people with disabilities, joked about rape, and is a sexist, racist, homophobic, and so much more. What has America come to? To think any of these characteristics is fit for a president? As a young woman, I am scared.

As I had brought up earlier, I do not feel good about either decision. So why did I choose Hilary? She had a political background, I am in favor of her positions on women's rights, humans rights, LGBT rights,etc. The only thing I could find wrong, is how they both have acted during debates. Throwing nasty words at one another and acting absolutely childish, acting a way that no presidential figure should act or present themselves.

I wanted to sincerely thank you for everything you have done. I want to thank you for showing me what a professional, educated, and caring president is like. I truly feel honored that I was alive for your two terms of presidency. In case you have not realized yet how awesome you are, let me remind you of some things! In your eight years as president you have ended the 2008 recession, received the 2009 nobel peace prize, reformed health care, 2010 tax cuts, nuclear agreement with Iran, world's largest trade agreement, and so many more. So many other Americans and I appreciate your presidency and what you have done for us.

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