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President Trump sued

Three days in office, and President Donald Trump is already being sued by former White House employees, including ethics lawyers and constitutional scholars.

These lawyers and scholars allege that the president is in potential violation of the Emolument Clause, which dictates that anyone holding a position of political power cannot have business ties, especially to foreign countries. Should President Trump be found in violation of the Emolument Clause of the constitution, it will be the duty of congress to consider impeachment.

President Trump has addressed these allegations, referring to them as “without merit”. It is unknown whether or not President Trump will be impeached or not, as the potential conflicts of interest that are spreading about him will need to be reviewed by the courts before they can be labeled as violations of the Emolument clause and, by extension, worthy of impeachment.

Due to the Republican party having unilateral control of the Senate, the House, and the White House, the prospect of President Trump being impeached looks doubtful. This, however, does not mean the Republicans will not impeach, but it is unlikely that congress will come to a unanimous decision to impeach, especially if the Republican party deems the potential conflicts of interest to be miniscule or unworthy of impeachment.

President Trump is being accused of allowing his businesses to accept foreign money, which is dangerous because “entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the republic.”. As Trump’s businesses expand to other countries, it is correct that he is receiving money from foreign entities. And that is where the controversy comes from, whether or not our president will ultimately have foreign influence over him during his time in office.

Should the lawsuit be successful, it would entail that the courts declare the potential conflicts of interest to be legitimate or not, and then it will be up to congress to decide whether or not the alleged conflicts are worthy of impeaching our 45th president. If there is to be an impeachment, and the potential impeachment is successful, then the second in command, Vice President Mike Pence, will assume office from the year President Trump is impeached to the year 2020.

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