Studying Abroad
Many people have the dream of traveling around the world, especially high school students. They want to get out of school and travel to experience and see new things. But there are a few things stopping them from this and one of the major reasons is college.
After high school, many people go off to college, leaving their dreams of traveling behind them. But many people don’t know that you can get the best of both worlds in this situation. Studying Abroad allows you to to go to a college/University in a different country, giving you the opportunity to experience a life of traveling.
There are many benefits to Studying Abroad, not just to do it for traveling to a different place in the world. Education is the focus with Studying Abroad. The key is to get a good education, learn new things, and have fun while doing it all.
Education is the most important thing to remember when choosing a school or University to go to. You want the best education possible in order to create the many possibilities that will later come to you. Many people who study abroad get a wider range of job opportunities because the skills and experience that they receive are very valuable for potential jobs.
Living in a different country will make you aware of many new things and also will allow you to experience a whole new culture. Because you will be staying there for several years, you will begin to adapt to their culture and maybe even pick up on some things from the people that live there, including creating new interests.
There are many more benefits to Traveling Abroad than one might think. Not only is it good for your education, job opportunities, and experiencing different cultures, but it also helps with your personal development. Moving to a country by yourself can be scary but it also can help you discover your true self. Moving to a new country brings out the excitement and curiosity that is within you.
One of the Spanish teachers at LVHS, Mrs. Malone, has studied abroad. She went to Alcala de Henares, Spain, which is right outside of Madrid. Mrs. Malone went for about 4- 4 ½ months which is one semester.
Many people don’t know that you can go study abroad for a short period of time such as one semester, while still getting an incredible education and experience. Mrs. Malone shows great depth when it comes to different cultures and even shares her experiences in class sometimes.
While asking her if she thought it was a good experience and if more students should do it, she ultimately agreed, “Absolutely, It’s the best decision I have ever made in my life and the most life changing event.”
Many people don’t leave the Licking Valley area after they graduate, but there could be so many more opportunities to experience other cultures and areas. Studying abroad allows more opportunities and can become an eye-opening trip, showing that there is a whole world out there that we don’t even realize.