Will Smith (1981-2016)
Hours after Will Smith and his wife Racquel were at a city festival celebrating, a tragic accident happened. Former defensive-end for the...
Plan B Over The Counters?
The Plan B Morning After Pill is a pill that prevents a female from getting pregnant after having sexual intercourse. The Morning After...
An Accident Waiting To Happen
A self-driving car is an automated car that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. These cars are...
LVHS Day Of Silence
Licking Valley GSA has organized a Day of Silence, which is to be held on Friday April 15th, 2016. The Day of Silence is a tool used to...
Adults Need To Crack Open More Books
Books, along with paintings, are true pieces of art. Authors create worlds with words, entertaining readers of all ages. Whether these...