Teaching diversity in a community that lacks it
A couple months ago, I sat in class as we read a book set in 1960s America. As references of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, The March...
Could perscription birth control become a thing of the past?
Has the time come for over the counter birth control pills? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently released a...
World Connectedness
A good majority of people are connected digitally. Most people get their news from social networks like Facebook. Although this is...
Does race matter in adoption?
Adoption is where an adult takes in a child who doesn't have a family or one who is living in an unsafe situation. Any family should be...
ISIS is ISIS-lated
We as United States citizens have protected this country to our limits. We fight what we need to fight to keep this country safe, but is...
Should kids be medicated?
When I was younger I was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I remember going in and taking the test a very...
Should the second amendment be abolished?
Though it may not seem like it at first glance, all of the firearms pictured above are essentially the same. Each of these guns are...
Is there to much pressure on girls to have the perfect body?
Females often think that their bodies define who they are, but that's not the case at all. Starting at a young age girls are pressured to...
Detecting fake news
Our society is heavily reliant on the news presented to us. We put all of our trust in journalists and news reporters, depending on them...
Bias in the classroom starts young
Many civil rights movements went into the how people are viewed today. What would the world still be like if African Americans never...